Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wanna know if air polution is pollution we can control?

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Wanna know if air polution is pollution we can control?

New York Smog
Air polution really is more than a bad spell of ground level air
pollution, smog, respiratory illnesses, acid rain, poor visibility and general atmospheric ugliness...

We have seen, by reading pollution articles in the media, that air polution also addresses upper atmosphere issues. Things like changes in the climate map, green house effect and ozone layer depletion. We hear a lot of the controversy global warming has generated. Like the well-known greenhouse effect, a projected cause of global warming and climate change.

You may have read about other atmospheric problems such as stratospheric layer ozone pollution and depletion. Also, increased ultra-violet chart radiation (UVB and C) reaches ground level and harms people and other life forms. Has the American government really done anything about it?

Is it their job?
Ecology education, human effects
Look at what we've done!
"Over the years we have created horrible living and drinking enviroments for all living creaters. We need to find a way to control this or pretty soon all of us will be dead. Plus, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren won't havr anything left to prosper off of." - Casey - Orange City, FL

All of these effects have been linked with the chemical contamination water takes on and changes in the composition of the air. Scientists most often associate these with anthropogenic emissions.

Allergies? - Safely identify the substance(s) to which a patient is allergic.

The world needs innovative ways to reduce things that result in air quality problems. Do you or your company sell air cleaning and control equipment? And have you considerable expertise now? If you need greater public exposure, you might want to know how I turned my knowledge into recognition and profit.

What do active demonstrations, investigations, studies, and environmental web sites such as this one do? They amplify the commotion, pointing out the need for services like environmental consultancy for health, safety and related issues. And for governments to participate in programs such as the Kyoto Treaty.

Want more information? These pages take you to water and air pollution pictures:

Global Warming Pictures including THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW

Water Pollution Pictures
Research development services and professional research consultants.
As we increase our knowledge through factory pollution research and testing we hope to find a solution to air polution. We have...

* emissions inventories
* dispersion modelling
* flare and stack designs
* air quality assessments
* emissions control technologies
* regulatory permitting
* regulatory compliance
* regulatory reporting
* continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) audits
* air compliance audits
* air management systems
* quality assurance plans
* ambient air monitoring
* emission testing

...and probably more study areas than this. Car pollution, vehicular emissions and other transportation issues will need their own techniques.

Keyword for this page: air polution
Causes of Air Pollution
Transportation. In Europe and North America at least,
cars contribute sulphur, particulates, nitrogen and carbon based compounds into the atmosphere. They then transform into acids and other harmful components, such as those which cause global warming, more than any other type of source.

Aviation, shipping and other types of transport certainly do their part in adding more air polution to these effects.

Industry. Manufacturing, packaging and support functions cause process emissions. Ones which may contain ozone destroying or even radioactive chemicals. We can have problems with fuel consumption related compounds similar to the transportation sectors. Agricultural air polution can also fall under this category.

Natural Causes. Volcanoes, fires started by lightning. Also stratospheric intrusion which is natural mixing of poisonous gases from upper layers of the atmosphere, to name a few.

Finally, some things are even desirable to have in the air even if they are foreign. Take music for instance. Remember the last you walked into an Italian restaurant? How the aroma(s) would completely envelop you. And speaking of fragrance, how about the benefits of Aromatherapy? Read more about it here.

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